Please review the information in your SIS system to ensure that the course and/or student information is correct. Newly enrolled students will not appear until after the nightly UTREx upload. This process generally takes 24-48 hours to complete. Adding courses directly into Utah Compose will not allow the system to sync with UTREx. All courses should be added in your school's SIS system.
On the Manage School page, the Courses table lists each course by the date it was created, course name, course code, status, assigned grade level, and the number of students enrolled in the course.

Select All Courses from the drop-down list to see all the courses associated with your school including both active and inactive courses.

Click on a course name to display the Manage Course page.

Any changes to a course should be made in the school's SIS system.
School administrators can add a paraprofessional who does not have a CACTUS ID number or an existing Utah Compose teacher account. However, if they have a CACTUS ID, they should follow the teacher registration process.