In Utah Compose, there are a variety of pre-packaged writing prompts available for your school. As a school administrator, you cannot make changes to pre-packaged or district-level prompts, however, you can edit and modify (enable or disable) the status of school-level prompts.
Click the Prompts tab to view a list of writing prompts available to the school.

Click the filters to narrow the list of prompts by Status, Type, Grade, Genre, and Content Area.

- To search for a specific prompt, type a word in the Search box. Any prompt title or description that contains this word will appear in the prompts list.
Prompts are labeled with icons to denote the enabled/disabled status, genre, whether stimulus material is attached, prompt type, and content area.

In addition to the icons, the prompt list contains the prompt title and partial text. To read the full prompt, click the + sign next to the prompt description.

Clicking on the prompt title displays the Edit Prompt page. To view any stimulus material that has been attached to the prompt, click on the title of the stimulus material.
NOTE: Some of the stimulus material contains links to the Internet (denoted with a link icon). Students will use these links to access material for their response to the prompt. Please click the links and review the content of the webpages prior to enabling the prompts for student use.